
Bedazzled No More

Lilulus ♡



3 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Critical Hit!
11-16-2021, 08:37 PM

Romulus gave another little husky laugh of utter relief and glee when Lillith slid off the bed to all but wrap her smaller body around his, capturing him in an inescapable embrace while she nuzzled the side of his face and neck. He murred under his breath, a low rumble of delight vibrating within his chest as he nuzzled her back, keeping her smaller, slender frame wrapped up in his strong forelegs. The sweet sound of Lil's giggle made Roman's heart leap in his chest; oh, how that had quickly become his favorite sound in the world! He peered down at her with a wide, loving smile as she looked up at him and nuzzled the side of his muzzle with her own. Molten silver eyes gazed deep into pools of garnet red, losing himself in the way her eyes glowed in the distant moonlight.

For what felt like a perfect eternity, Roman sat there, holding her while he gazed lovingly into her eyes. He adored Lillith in ways he'd never felt about another wolf before. He'd had a number of flings, one night stands, and crushes—but none held the adoration and passion he felt for the Adravendi girl. She had become a staple of his life; a keystone that held him together. He had come to Boreas to find his ancestral home and instead of finding his past, he discovered his future. It lay in ruby red eyes and snow and silver fur. In every smile, every giggle, every embrace, every kiss... Lillith had taken over his heart, mind, and soul. When he lay in bed dying, he'd thought of her more than he'd thought of his own family. So far from home, from everything he'd known and loved, all he could think of was her in his fading moments.

Lillith murmured a sultry comment, then leaned her muzzle up to kiss him. Roman was eager to kiss her back, murring against her lips as his pressed to hers with all the passion and desire and want that burned in his soul for the little alabaster fae. Large paws gripped at her lower back, tugging her slim body tighter to his, unyielding in the way he held her to him. He poured forth all of the love and longing he'd felt in the weeks he'd been isolated and alone. Gentle tongue flicked at her lips, savoring her sweet taste where he could steal it. Roman was ever cautious about overwhelming Lil, but gods, did he want her so badly! Never again would he hold himself back or deprive himself of what he wanted, not when he had come so close to losing it all!

With Lillith pressing herself to him the way that she was, it was easy for Romulus to loop his strong forelegs around underneath Lil's hips and hoist her up to gently toss her back up onto her bed. Though it did cause them to break their kiss momentarily, he considered it worth it, especially when he was able to hop up and join her. Grinning down to his beautiful lover, Roman collapsed to the soft mattress beside her and wrapped her back up in his arms, rolling so he had her resting on top of his chest before cupping her cheek with a paw and guiding her mouth back down to his, kissing her with resumed passion as if they had never stopped.
