
you bleed just like you puke


Queen of Hell

Master Fighter (263)

Master Intellectual (250)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

4 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 5 WorshipThe Ooze Participant
11-16-2021, 11:41 PM
Widow was incredibly interested in the plants that were growing and beginning to grow around Habari, mostly the ones around the river that cut through the land but also the ones that grew at the base of the volcano. As she was sure the other healers were doing, Widow was conducting her own experiements and testing trying to find a way to bring mom even the slightest bit of relief. The ̶̿͘c̶͌̕r̴̔̉y̷̅͋š̵̾tals that grew from her eye looked morbidly uncomfortable and before it found a way to spread to not only her, but her four brothers as well, she wanted to do anything that she could do help. Whether the help of a puppy was wanted or not, Widow couldn't care less. She did her best to stay out of the way of the adults, but wouldn't stop herself from listening in on their conversations. Although she knew she wasn't allowed, she often got close to the healers quarters to listen in on anything they may have learned. Unfortunately, she wasn't getting anything, but that only meant that the chances were better next time, right?

She hoped so, but today she supposed she had to go do some further investigating and research. With mom being the ever diligent alpha that she was, she didn't have the time to let Widow play doctor all day. It was unfortunate, but she had to make do. After doing some studies on the fisher she'd killed plagued with the ̶̿͘c̶͌̕r̴̔̉y̷̅͋š̵̾tals jutting from it's eye in a similar fashion, she was intent on looking for some plants. She hadn't a clue what anything was, but she would be out collecting it anyway. She wanted to study, to learn, and eventually use her knowledge. She didn't know for what yet, but she was how old? She had time to figure that out!

Her little legs carried her all over the nook, from waters edge to the packs border and to the edge of the volcano and back. She didn't only pass over a spot once either, she was careful to comb each and every cranny of the nook in search of plants, herbs, and whatever else she could find. However, of course that led to a massive pile of ̶̿͘c̶͌̕r̴̔̉y̷̅͋š̵̾tals and ̸̾͌m̴͑̋û̸́s̵̀͒h̸̏̒r̶̍͒o̷̢͊o̷͊̀ṁ̴̃s, each of their own size, color, and shape that different from others. She had collected so many, however, that she doubted she'd be able to bring them back to the den. It'd be great if she had her own space, separate and where she can keep her research and test subjects, although she doubted her mother would go for it. After quickly digging a hole, Widow deposited her ̶̿͘c̶͌̕r̴̔̉y̷̅͋š̵̾tals and ̸̾͌m̴͑̋û̸́s̵̀͒h̸̏̒r̶̍͒o̷̢͊o̷͊̀ṁ̴̃s into it and covered it up neatly, packing the dirt back down effortlessly.

She found a multitude of different plants, but also a type of mushroom that seemed different than the glowing ones. She decided to leave it in the ground anyway, just in case. She didn't want to bring anything else dangerous home, but she didn't take that thought into consideration as she blindly grabbed plants and tore them from their soil. Once she realized that plants weren't just standing on top of the dirt, she began to remove them more slowly and took care in pulling the roots from the dirt. Some plants he found near the water, some no where near it. They each looked different too, but she hadn't had any lesson on healing yet to know much about them.

She had a mouthful of herbs after a while searching in the nook and she was quick to sort them once she settled. She didn't want to head back to the den yet, since with so many herbs it was probable that she would drop one and have to return to collect more. By doing that, there was a large risk in getting caught or even just laughed at by anyone. It was hard to hide with how large the young Klein girl was, and luck she felt was not on her side today. So instead of heading home with a mouthful of herbs, Widow began to carefully set them all apart from each other, leaving space in between each plant so that she may study them and maybe learn a thing or two. That would be hard without someone teaching you about them though, and that brought a frown to her face. She knew better than to just eat some random plants that she found without checking first, but who was she going to check with? She hadn't met everyone in Habari yet, so she had her hopes up that someone that knew something would come along even if it meant showing her massive self to them. She wanted nothing more to be small, and to find a cure for mom of course.



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PSA: I own widow's design as of 2/25/2022