
To Be You




3 Years
Extra large
Chrono I

Ooh La LaThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
11-17-2021, 10:05 AM

It was probably easy to notice her relief as Ulric welcomed her, though she didn't really expect him to deny her. She did feel as she spoke, not really in the loop or looking for attention. In fact quite the opposite. But she hoped that she had showed her dedication and appreciation in other ways.

She was able to turn an eye to him if only for a few seconds as he accepted, and then became more intent as he started relaying more of his own story. She couldn't really say that she could relate, but none the less, she admired what he had shared with her. She supposed losing a father than not really having one to begin with was certainly two different feelings. And she expected that when the time came she would express her own feelings of loss to Ulric differently compared to Lillith per say. Having her father as an adult felt more like a friend than a father, and she wasn't sure if maybe he felt the same way.

"I don't really think it's something a father would want to hear..." Just as his gaze moved into the crackling of the fire with his own story, she did the same. "Bella never wanted me. I'm not sure why she even had me to begin with or maybe she had even failed to abort me." There was nothing wrong with her physically at least, so she could never really be sure. "I don't believe that she had even known you were the father, I could only tell from what life I had with her afterwards." She sighed though she wasn't really showing signs of distraught while she spilled the bit of her own history. "The men never had sex with me but they did... other things." Her brows furrowed as she suggested, but really she had never felt like these moments were the spotlight of her life. She had always looked toward the greater, and never dwelled on the past. "I had left by the time I was a year old. I guess I had always wanted to find you, but I always assumed you were never looking to begin with."
