
Defiers of Fate


08-14-2013, 01:39 AM

Boring. That was the word that she would use to describe this new place. Absolutely and completely boring. She hadn't had a chance to properly sit down and chat with her old associate Medusa, so until the sultry viper had a moment to spare, the tri-colored siren would wander the new land, trying to find something or someone to entertain herself with. And to her surprise, with this place being so jam packed with wolves, it was proving rather difficult to find someone who would take a liking to her particular talents. She wasn't sure if the wolves here appreciated her kind of skill set, but Medusa being the alpha and thriving here had to mean there was some hope for the emerald eyed woman, right? It was no secret that there were males stalking about this terrain. Males littered the planet like an infestation. They were everywhere and they couldn't deny their carnal desires, no matter how loyal they thought themselves to be to their little wives and girlfriends. Aspasia was a woman who didn't take no for an answer once she had her sights set.

The day was beginning to wind down and the vixen was still very much lacking in the entertainment department. Frustration was beginning to set in as her ivory and ebony paws drummed against the warm earth, glittering emeralds dancing across the foliage as she continued to search for anything that remotely resembled a male figure. Though she had a preference with men, she was more than willing to dance with the doves. Sometimes the ladies could satisfy better than the men, but she wasn't very picky. And good thing too because it looked like the entertainment she'd been looking had just arrived. A sensual smile curled her inky lips, a seductive swing taking hold of her hips as she sashayed her way down the shore line, emeralds glittering with unbridled lust as they traveled down the length of his figure. Scars littered his body and he looked liked he had seen younger days, but he wasn't senile and decrepit, so he would do. Looks like you could use some company there handsome. She crooned, her voice a silky murmur as she approached.
