
Fresh Spring Days



7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze Participant
11-17-2021, 05:44 PM
If Lyra could hear Doom's thoughts, she would have been inclined to agree with him, in spite of being born and raised here. This land was truly becoming fucked up. But that was something she refused to think about right now. Despite the fog and the almost constant nighttime, the temperature currently was absolutely wonderful and comfortable. A nice warmth that wasn't too hot, with the occasional breeze. The pink-tinged sky made her long for actual sunlight to bask her fur, but she'd takewhat she could get. The fog, at least, wasn't really wet at all.

She scouted quietly for a good spot to lay: one not soiled by mushrooms, crystals, and a decent distance away. With a few puddles here and there that made it easy to dodge the mushrooms, but the crystals were a bit more difficult as it wasn't uncommon for pebbles, and bones, to be in the Fern Gulley. It was a lush land, after all, during normal times, and many animals hunted and feasted here. Finally, though, she found a spot - almost perfect. With a scrunch of her nose, she pawed the bone shard with the crystal growing out of it away a decent distance. She didn't even want to touch it, unknowing if it was infectious, but if she wanted to lay down she didn't have much of a choice.

Sighing heavily, she sprawled on the ground, resting her head on her inner upper front leg. Now, she can rest. Right? Take a break in a place she had always enjoyed. With a yawn, her eyes closed and she breathed out deeply. Just a moment, right? She wasn't sure how long she had dozed when the pawsteps of another animal brought her back to alertness. A quick glance at the sky - and the amber light illuminated on the horizon, obscured by fog - told her that it had been a few minutes. That few minutes had been certainly helpful, though, leaving her with much more relaxed muscles. That is, until the sound came again, and her ears swiveled to pinpoint the sound. And then the sound... faded away. Weird.

Huffing to herself, she laid her head back down. The wolf - she could smell him, now - seemed to be leaving and going away without bothering her. Good; she didn't mind that. Except.... a few minutes later, she could smell, and hear him again. And then he left, following the same path as before. Huh. Weird. Quietly, she stood, walking towards where he turned. Was he lost? Was he infected? She should probably stay away if that was the case, but she was curious and wanted to satiate that curiosity. So, she waited. And behold, in the direction he had come from both other times, she saw a form become shaped in the fog. "So, are you walking in circles on purpose, or are you lost?" she questioned, sidestepping out of the wolf's direct path so she wouldn't be in the way of it.

"Speech" "You"

art by gunhorse