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7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze Participant
11-17-2021, 06:19 PM
She hadn't quite had the balls to go to Fireside, where she knew her father, and full brother Ares were located. Why, she couldn't say. Hesitancy due to the illness? She couldn't quite pinpoint it, mostly because it was absolutely unlike her. Curiosity, chaos - ha! - and an independent streak is what ruled her life, and she liked it like that. She didn't recognize the alpha's scent - was that it? It was familiar and not. Which meant - likely family, truthfully. The entire pack was mostly her family but she felt iffy about being constrained by a pack, and was honestly quite surprised her father remained as no longer an alpha.

Perhaps it was the morphing of whatever the fuck was happening again. Permanent nighttime. That wasn't something Lyra ever expected to experience, let alone in spring, and she wasn't sure if the fact that it seemed like winter never ended made it worse or better. She knew at this point, the flowers should be blooming and the trees gaining leaves, and yet they weren't. The snow was melted - thanks to temperature, not the sun - but nothing was growing because nothing was able to. These blue fireflies, the moon, whatever else was reflecting off the creepy mists weren't enough to cause the plants to really grow. Some were, but not much. Guess really only the plants that didn't need a lot of sunlight. She wasn't a healer. She didn't know how plants grew or why.

But ugh. Even though somehow she had so far escaped the majority of the infection, she couldn't help the whispers of paranoia and fear creeping into her heart. She hated it. Why was this happening? What was going on? What had happened to her father? Her brother? ....oh. So that was why she was avoiding Fireside. She was afraid for them, of them, and wasn't ready to face what would happen if either of them were severely infected. Oof. She didn't want to think about that right now. She also didn't want to think about her grumbling stomach, because with the increase of infected wolves... so did the amount of infected prey, and she wasn't willing to eat that... yet.

Just. Ugh.