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7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze Participant
11-17-2021, 06:49 PM
Lyra heard the wolf before she could smell him. The fog seemed to... change the way things smelled. And how she could smell. It distorted the senses, and it was rather annoying. Once she heard, though, her head whipped around and she fluffed defensively and instinctively, staring at the creature that had approached her. It was one who was heavily, very heavily infected with the crystal disease. Crystals... large, protruding, and especially from his eyes. ... gross. This disease was not a very nice one, and she cringed almost unknowingly away from the sight. Still, something made her pause and she squinted at the figure. He was.. familiar looking. He was Fireside, she already gathered that from his scent - that once she saw him she was suddenly able to smell - but it was more than that. She was certain she had never seen him in her life because he was quite too young.

Her eyes traced his form, pausing on his paws. What? Large, larger than hers, but still undoubtedly feline in nature. Her eyes snapped up to where his would be, and she squinted furiously. It was only then that she realized she had been standing quiet for too long. "Lyra Saxe. And you are...?" she let the question trail off as she casually took a single step forward, to see him better. What was it about it? Damnit, this fog! The shifting of it made it hard to see, and the lack of sun made the colors on coats difficult. It washed it all out. She could only see deep slate colors. which didn't necessarily mean anything at all. However, she had her suspicions and she was wondering if they would be confirmed. She wasn't at all affected by the attempted authoritative tone; quite frankly, she just didn't care. But more than that - she didn't want to engage in an infected individual in a fight, because she didn't want the risk of infection herself, and quite frankly this wolf didn't look to be in the best of shape.

"Speech" "You"

art by gunhorse