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7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze Participant
11-17-2021, 07:33 PM
She huffed slightly when he stepped backwards. That was irritating. But understandable, considering he could barely see, didn't know her, and was sick. She saw how some of the wolves had been affected in the mind, causing them to do strange things. His words, however, caused her ears to twitch, and she didn't respond right away. She examined him again. He was definitely younger, and while likely a relati- oh, yep, he's a Saxe and... her... brother... the fuck. She blinked. Okay, really, she wasn't that surprised. Her dad was Chaos, after all. Their dad. Add in the feline paws, and it made sense. After all, she had them. It also answered his question... ah, somewhat. "Because I'm six years old and you're barely old enough to know you have a pair of balls," she answered bluntly, crudely, and quite efficiently. "I've been gone for a few years, only checking in briefly with my dad. Who, by the way, is also Chaos. Sooo we're half-siblings. My mom was someone colorful like me who also hated us and gave us to Dad at like... 2 months old. If that. Nice to meet ya, brother." After all, what else could she do but react like that?

This boy was family, and that was that. She may be flighty, explorative, not entirely reliable, but damnit she was loyal to her family. If her dad made more babies and gave her siblings, well, she would welcome them to the family. Hopefully there weren't too many of them though, she thought. Oh, how little she knew. How surprised she would be when she got the nerves to go home and call for her father, instead of lurking at the borders of the pack. But in the meantime, she guessed, she could get to know her very sick, almost weak looking... brother. Oh man, that was weird. That was gonna take a minute.

His question, combined with his step backward, made her blink. Eh? It was obvious she wasn't sick, wasn't it? Oh, wait. Right. The mental thing. But the mental one she thought was also accompanied by oozing in the eyes, ears and mouth. and nose. Ew. "No. Not yet, at least, and I hope to keep it that way. With how things are progressing, though, I'm not sure that's possible." Was that too honest? Too much in general? She wasn't certain anymore.

"Speech" "You"

art by gunhorse