
Bridges can be mended




Master Fighter (270)

Master Intellectual (240)

5 Years
Dire wolf

Critical Block!The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterPride - GayMammoth Hunter
1KHalloween 2020 - Haunted House
11-17-2021, 09:25 PM

Even though he had been with Void for quite some time now and he was plenty secure in their relationship there was still something that relived him about his mother's congratulation on their marriage and the pups they were expecting. He and Deathbelle hadn't spoken in so long and it had been an incredibly long time since she had been a part of his lift, but somehow that didn't stop him from appreciating his mother's validation and approval he felt from her in that moment. The time and distance didn't seem to matter to him as much as he thought it would. She was still his mother and he was still her son and that created a permanent soft spot for her in his heart as it did with most of his family. Some of his family had lost that privilege like Toxicity, but in his eyes his mother hadn't done anything nearly that terrible so he was more than willing to forgive and forget. He was grateful that she wanted to be a part of her grandchildren's lives and now he just couldn't wait to bring them to meet her or have her visit them once they were old enough.

He saw how much hearing the news about Chimera and his loss hurt her and a small part of him regretted telling her just for the fact that he didn't want to cause her any more distress, but it was better that she knew all the same. He gently rubbed her back as her head lowered and he started thinking more about his half-brother and how bad he felt for Chimera to go from the high of creating his own pack to the massive low of losing children all in such a short time span. He wished there was something he could do for him, but he didn't know what Chimera would need or want in this situation. But he also wouldn't know until he asked...

A thought crossed his mind and he looked down at Deathbelle again. "I can't go right away because I don't want to leave the mother of my children alone for a length of time, but after my children are born... Come to Fenmyre with me? I want to go check on Chimera, but I'd rather not go alone. Venom is too busy with the pack and our other siblings have left so it's just me and her now." He waited hopefully for her answer, half because he wanted an excuse to spend more time with her, but also because he hoped this could help mend the bridge between her and Chimera as well so hopefully she could make a new home in Fenmyre where she wouldn't feel so closed off to him.

Plague | Viridis | Procella