
you bleed just like you puke



2 Years

The Ooze Participant
11-18-2021, 01:57 AM
Misery had wanted someone to practice how to cause pain too.  He wanted to scare and threaten.  It was one of those things he expected would be as fun as acting.  That one time his siblings and he had gotten to fight that wolf together had been so much fun.  It wasn’t the fight, it was the causing it pain and throwing power around.

A child telling him off?  She had no idea how good it was she was mom’s child.  Sure, she had size to her and that was part of the reason he liked the idea of killing off the pups he didn’t like.  Threats eliminated early were smart.  No way mom would allow it, hell, she might kill him for it.

“I tell you what,” The boy purred softly to her, “I am terribly sorry if you haven’t.” He didn’t seem to expect he was wrong though by his look, nor had he backed down.  He could tell her exactly why he didn’t believe she was telling the truth, he could list off his reasons.  Misery saw no reason a little kid deserved for him to have to explain it.  He didn’t give a damn whether or not she’d picked the mushrooms or crystals, he hadn’t cared about that ever since he’d bothered giving her the warning.  It was her attitude that irritated him.  It was not wanting another arrogant shit of a sister like Kali, and even worse one who hadn’t earned the right to respect yet.

“If you have messed with them, fine, keep at it.  If you get the sickness and suffer, if you die, well, remember I tried to warn you.” Kid’s test boundaries, guilty until proven innocent.  Her pretty little neck could be bit into, not because she had done an act any pack would consider earning of death but because Misery would have fun killing.  He backed off with disgust, “I can tell mom you want a healer, I’m also going to suggest you learn to respect those of higher status beforehand, however.”

He didn’t hit her again or bite her mostly because it would likely keep the contest of wills up and soon it would mean going too far.  She got to win this round and it irked him but if she wanted to press it, well, not his fault if she went off exploring and a bear found her.  Not his fault if she drowned or fell in lava or hey maybe she would die from the sickness.

“What’s your name?” He was turning to leave, obviously done with her  
