
Koi Bastards



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7 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
11-20-2021, 02:30 PM (This post was last modified: 11-22-2021, 03:52 PM by Laeta. Edited 6 times in total.)
Name: Genji Usagi
Age: 2
Size: Medium (30”)
Build: Light
Father: Genji Raijin
Personality: Much like the flame-licked orange that scales his limbs, the male is a deadly combination of fury, aggression, coarseness, and standoffishness. Much of his channeled anger comes from the frustration over his appearance, which is constantly being pointed out by those around him. Even if their comments mean no harm, he takes them as jabs to his character, and has a tendency to snap or lash out verbally at others. This makes it difficult to make close friends, much less romantic relationships. However, the lucky few who don’t tease him eventually might see the softer side of him — a sweet;y awkward soul who does his best to make one feel special - and, for that love interest, well, loved. His self-imposed isolation and distancing from others in some aspects makes his mannerisms a bit awkward and clumsy, but eventually he’ll become affectionate and as sweet as can be. He really has a soft-hearted soul to him, and the desperation for somebody to accept him as he is shimmers in his contrasting cool, chartreuse gaze. It’s just that that yearning, loving heart has been wrapped up with thorns amd barbed wire, so if you want to get to know him, you really need to work at it and gain his trust. Years of being mocked for who he is has made his faith in others, and his patience for them, wear thin. He is also an avid lover of fish, and will spend his free time searching for ponds and bodies of water to just watch them swim. He refuses to eat fish as he considers them special, compared to most other creatures. Despite being reminded of them due to his name, nicknames, and his appearance, he does love rabbits as well, and won’t hunt them. He appreciates their beauty, their movements, their grace, and incorporates his own special move in spars and combat called the ‘rabbit kick’, a powerful thrust of his hind legs into his opponent’s side or gut to render them stunned. He is an enigma, and his anger is akin to beans in a brimming pressure cooker, but talk to him for a bit and you’ll see the gentler, more refined side of him.
Appearance: ref here Usagi can be defined as a lean mean fighting machine. His frame is thin, but far from lanky, and his near constant devotion to training and exercising has blessed him with tendrils of pure muscle and sinew that wrap over a light, but durable skeleton. His face is streamlined, with a fairly long muzzle and sharp eyes to match - the build almost makes him look more like a slightly larger fox than a wolf. The streamlined look continues through his body and tapers down his legs, which don’t look like much but are brimming with sheer strength and power. His base coat is a rich charcoal, beautiful on its own, but paired with the raging orange-red koi markings on his legs and the top of his head, and the snow alabaster painting his chest and tail tip, his heritage as a koi wolf is a dead giveaway. His eyes contrast the wildfire of organized, stunning chaos on his body as a soothing, minty chartreuse color, soft like moss on a stone. They are sharp, cold, and unforgiving, but also shimmer with a hidden sense of loneliness and a full heart of love, friendliness and affection to give somebody. Too bad it’s his other features that make him constantly on edge and self-conscious, though, as his tail is a sad little nub, and his right ear is flopped over because the cartilage in it never fully developed. His mother must’ve had a cruel sense of humor, setting him up for a lifetime of taunting by naming him Usagi, quite literally "rabbit" or "hare". The nickname "Bunny" sticks to him like tree sap, hard to get rid of no matter how hard he tries to wipe it away. These flaws, or so he sees them as, haunt him like little ghosts, not helping his crabby character.

How does this kiddo react to the information on their father?: He’s disgusted by his father, and finds his loose behavior appalling. Not that he has any polite manners himself, but he feels he knows better than his old man. The drama surrounding his family and the Iga Clan only further complexes things, and the whole plot, except for what he needs to know, is lost on him. He knows, and doesn’t care. Nor does he care for his father - clearly he didn’t want him, so why should he attempt to even find out who he is? Good riddance, he thinks.
comin' up for air in the deepest of the deep ends
i thought i learned it all, but boom, the plot thickens
laeta has a european badger companion named melis. he can speak and is assumed to be with her at all times.