



The Hallows
Lady of Cinder

Master Fighter (245)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Bulwark Bulwark

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

6 Years

How many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! Ooh La LaSamhain 2022LegendaryPride - DemisexualTeacher
The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3VengeanceCritical Fail!Ice Bridge Explorer1K
11-20-2021, 08:36 PM (This post was last modified: 11-20-2021, 08:36 PM by Briar. Edited 1 time in total.)

Briar hummed thoughtfully when Lia suggested that there might be some kind of metal debris in the water that she had seen from the glint just over the surface of the water. That would have been an easy enough explanation and she gave a little shrug. "Well... I guess since the net is ruined anyway we might as well try to use the thicker edges here to try and pull the metal out. I know dad has been on the look out for metals and such for Ruga to use anyway so it won't be a complete loss." She looked down at her torn net and started using her sharpened claws to cut through parts of the net until it was mostly like a rope with a portion of netting hanging from it so it would be a little less unwieldy to haul around. She handed one end to Lia and she took the other end to drag it back over to the edge of the river, abandoning the other half she cut off.

"So I think we can throw it out like we did before and kind of hook around it and drag it to shore... Hopefully we've already dislodged it a bit from pulling on it so hard before—whatever it is." With that plan in mind she had Lia hold on to one end while she held the other and she flung the netted rope out into the water in a similar path that they had before. She saw the very top of a curved, silver colored metal peeking out occasionally from the top of the water as the waves of the river passed by so that at least gave her something to aim for. She did the initial pulling until they had the rope hooked around the metal piece again and then he motioned for Lia to start pulling too. They pulled back on the rope together and it was still surprisingly stuck pretty firmly, but after a few hard tugs she felt it start to come loose. She was just glad that whatever it was clearly had some part of it that the rope could wrap around pretty snuggly.

It did finally come free, making her stumble back a couple steps again, but she wasn't quite as thrown off balance this time since she was anticipating it. What came tumbling partially onto the shore shocked her and for a second she couldn't believe her eyes. The grip and hilt of a very familiar sword were laying on the bank of the river with most of the blade still in the water and while she was looking at it with disbelief it started to slide away. "No!" she gasped, rushing forward to catch the grip of the sword with her teeth before it could slide away, pulling it out of the water and laying it carefully on the ground between her and Lia. There was no mistaking the shape of the sword and the amber stones that were set into the cross guard—the same kind of stones that were embedded in the bracelet she wore around her ankle.

"It's... It's Artorias' sword! It's Embershard!" she exclaimed, looking up at Lia with a huge grin, her tail wagging like crazy. She knew how upset he had been about losing the sword that had meant so much to him and to think they just happened to find it in the river that he had been washed away in after fighting Oxx... "He's going to be so relieved! We should go take it to him right-" her words cut off as she looked at the sword again, noticing all the dings and nicks along the blade, all the spots that had become tarnished and rusted from being in the water for so long. One of the facets that had held one of the amber stones was even empty now, the stone knocked loose and undoubtedly washed away. She frowned with thought, her paw tracing the weapon for a moment before looking back up at Lia with a determined nod. "Actually... I think we need to go talk to Ruga first. He should be able to fix this, don't you think?"

"Briar Zeitgeist Fatalis"