
Take Me As Your Own


08-14-2013, 12:57 PM

She was beyond foolish. Any female with common sense would know to run far away from this male, he was nothing but trouble. The hungry look in his eyes never ceased, it was apparent that he always claimed what he desired; and he desired her. She was young, beautiful, and could easily be manipulated into whatever he desired if he were to succeed in capturing her. Would he accept her offer? She waited, practically about to jump out of her skin if he were to make any sudden movements. Finally he did something, and he practically laughed in her face. Her ears folded flat against her skull, and she inched backward to put a few inches of distance between them. She had a feeling he was coiling up to strike once he realized her level of immaturity and stupidity. How could she allow herself to be put in a situation like this? Her mother had taught her better.

She felt idiotic. How could she ever think the ghost would make her a queen? Her mother had been a queen at one point, and if her mother could become one, so could she, right? Her mother had taught her everything, she was practically a darker version of her; except her mother would have never been this foolish. She was always so independent, but Liberty... she was a scared little girl who had put up a front in front of a dangerous phantom, and now she would become a ghost too. He would claim her, she was sure of it, but at least if she ran now and got a head start, she could have some time. If she could get to Valhalla before he did... she could warn her father and alphas. She had an entire pack behind her, surely they would protect her, right?

She didn't say a word. Her head nodded slowly, and she swallowed what felt like a rock in her throat. She had felt so fearless before, but now all she felt was terror. What was he going to do with her? She was so young and couldn't fight him off if he were to force himself on her. Would she be a slave in his kingdom? And what kingdom did he rule anyways? She had never seen him before, and her mother had never mentioned a white ghost when she told her about the other packs. He seemed like a wicked being, so she assumed he had taken over Tortuga. She needed to get out of here, and she needed to do it now. With a swift movement she scrambled beneath the man, but since she had already inched away from him, she had a minimal amount of space to get up. Claws clicked against the ice as she tried not to slip again. Her tail tucked and she back away, leaving a few feet between them. "I-if you try to follow me, they will come after you! Don't test my pack, we are the largest in these lands! You will never have me!" Her voice was shakey and broken, but she needed to give him his only warning. Without a second thought she quickly turned and took off as fast as her legs could possibly carry her. She had to beat him to Valhalla, she just had to.


OOC: Yumpy said it was ok for her to run away now, because he is going to follow her to Valhalla anyways~
