
all a matter of perspective


08-14-2013, 01:06 PM


Silverback waited a little more as the male gathered himself. She saw the surprise turn to confusion, and confusion to anger. She smirked slightly behind her whiskers, prepared for an outburst that would be as futile as it was entertaining. But now, the anger boiled away quickly, leaving an empty vessel in it's wake. The male seemed to be taking it all in. The she-cat's rounded ears perked at his sigh, dissecting it for emotion and being perfectly pleased by what she found. This one was wise enough to give in without a fight. Good Good. And better yet, he was taking the first step of introduction. It was just good enough for the leopard to have to analyze it for acting, but she detected none. You can't lie to a feline.

The authority and sternness with which she had addressed before, faded a little as her excitement seemed through. She was almost purring with pleasure at his response. "There," she rumbled lightly, curling about her tail to give him a feather soft tap to the side of the head. "That's an excellent start." She took a step forward. "You see Kypsis, dear, I can be one of two things - a life long friend and confidant, - or the dragoness who's claws you feel every night as you howl for mercy." Those unfeeling grey-green eyes gleamed. "It all depends upon your conduct."

She paused suddenly, cocking her broad head to the side. "Did that sound slightly sexy to you?" She flicked an ear dismissively. "It wasn't meant to. - You see I'm still getting the hang of this whole 'socializing' thing."
