


08-14-2013, 01:10 PM

I'm sitting pretty on the throne,
there's nothing more I want,
except to be alone

Her lungs burned, her legs shook, and her heart felt like it was going to burst in her chest. She had practically sprinted from the North to the West, because she knew that if she stopped for even a moment, the phantom would capture her and eat her whole. He was after her, she was sure of it, so she knew she couldn't stop. The whole way she scolded herself harshly as her mother would have. Aislyn would have banished her to a den for months if she was still alive. Liberty had been careless, and because of it she had ended up with the wrong company, and now that company was out to get her. She couldn't stop the warm tears that streamed down her cheeks. It blurred her vision, and more than a few times she had to dodge an upcoming tree, but she did not stop. At one point she wanted to stop and allow her breakfast to come back up, but she kept going.

Finally after what seemed like days, but was only an hour or so, she could scent the borders a mile or so away. She wanted to slow her pace, and she did slightly, but not drastically. She needed to get across those borders and she would be home free for now. Her vision started to blur and she feared she would pass out if she didn't stop soon. The scents of her pack members tickled her senses and drew a smile to her face. She was so happy to be home. Just a few more steps and.. finally. As she crossed over the borders she greatly slowed her pace, and after a few more gallops further into Valhalla she collapsed. She lay on the earth panting heavily, everything burned within her body, and for a few moments she feared she would never calm down. She wasted no time, and through her pants and gasps for air she howled the best that she could. It was broken and rather weak, but anyone patrolling the borders would hear it, and they needed to come fast. She was running out of time.
