
Limba Carpaților

Gwyn ♡


The Hallows
Chief Physician

Master Healer (266)

Master Intellectual (260)

An icon representing the specialty Field Medic Field Medic

6 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1Double MasterPride - Demisexual
11-21-2021, 04:20 PM

Gwynevere returned to the infirmary after stepping out for a bit to gather some herbs from the greenhouse and some supplies from the pharmacy, finding Artorias in front of the hearth that cast a warm light around the room. When he and Eska began to recover it had been a huge relief even though she was still confounded by the fact that nothing she had tried to chase away the illness had worked. The supernatural nature of everything that had been happening around them and effecting them didn't make sense in her logic driven brain. At the end of the day she was just happy that her brother was on the mend, the worst of it behind them, and felt like there was at least some kind of positive that she could cling to in all of this. The world outside the walls of the castle still scared her more than it should, but that feeling had begun well before this eternal darkness and unlike Artorias' illness there didn't seem to be an end in sight.

She padded over to him just in time to hear him repeat some of the words they had been practicing, giving his name in a greeting spoken in the native language of their lost mother. She smiled a little as she listened to him, setting the supplies she was carrying down on a nearby shelf. "Aia este bună," she said as she came to settle beside him, leaning gently into his shoulder. She had never really felt like she had anything in common with her brothers besides the relation and family love she had for them considering the vastly different paths they had taken, but learning some of their family language with Artorias had given them something to bridge the gap with. She had taken to it like a fish to water, soaking in every little lesson they could get form Iolaire when she wandered in. It scratched the same itch for her that learning different herbs and their properties had once upon a time, but it increasingly felt like she had mastered her craft and there was little more for her to learn. Learning a new language had given her a new challenge that she was enjoying quite a bit.

Her words were still very formal and proper when she did attempt to speak the Carpathian language, the words not flowing as well as they did when Iolaire spoke them, but she was getting better at it all the time along with Artorias' help. "Cum te simti azi?" she asked him with a soft smile. It was one of the phrases she had learned pretty early on and one she had used a lot since she had forced him to stay in the infirmary and rest before he returned to his usual duties.

"Gwynevere Carpathius"