
banana phone

item usage thread



11-21-2021, 04:37 PM
Firefly Pop-Up Shoppe

As the fireflies clear, you see a familiar figure as he busies himself with setting up a shop.

A sign nearby has some writing, which you interpret to mean, "NO BARGAINS."

As you approach, the creature turns to you, "I am not quite ready to open my shop to everyone, but for you I will make an exception. Choose one, or choose as many as you like, but don't choose what you can't afford," he says.

  • Racing Accessories- 1 /
    Some nice kicks that make you feel like you can just do it!
  • Go Fast Juice- 1 /
    The liquid in this bottle is thick and dark and has something that looks surprisingly like muscle.
  • Fun Shroom- 1 /
    An ordinary everyday mushroom that just has a little handwritten tag on it that reads “eat me”. It seems pretty risky, but it might pay off in the end. Maybe...
  • Firefly’s Favor- 1 /
    A firefly in a bottle. Might come in handy if you let him go at just the right time.
  • Opaque Sack of Gems- 1 /
    Running out of currency and not sure what else to spend it on? Gamble on this mysterious pouch and potentially find more mushrooms/crystals within it! Or perhaps something else!
  • Shrink Potion- 1 /
    This bottle is shaped like a pear and within it swirls a sparkly gold liquid. The label shows a crudely drawn image of two wolves of vastly different sizes, with a green checkmark over the smallest one.
  • Grow Potion- 1 /
    This bottle is shaped like an upside down pear and within it swirls a sparkly gold liquid. The label shows a crudely drawn image of two wolves of vastly different sizes, with a green checkmark over the largest one.
  • Pungent Poison- 1 /
    This tiny bottle contains a green globby liquid, the label claims it was made from local mushrooms.
  • Serious Steroids- 1 /
    The cloaked figure assures you it’s not really steroids but he does say it’ll make your body more resilient, he won’t tell you what’s in them though.
  • Small Unfleshed Thought- 2 /
    This bottle contains whispers of what has passed, what is passing, and what has yet to pass. It looks kinda like a firefly…
  • Cursed Litter Pass- 2 /
    This looks like it might cause something really weird to happen. The label says, “do not use if you are breastfeeding, pregnant, or plan to become pregnant,” but you can’t read… it’s probably dangerous, or really cool.
  • Xtra Shrink Potion- 2 /
    It comes in an extra tiny bottle. There’s barely even one drop!
  • Xtra Grow Potion- 2 /
    It comes in an extra large bottle. There’s way more than one drop!
  • Mushroom Based Acid- 2 /
    A small vial with a convenient handle that almost makes it seem throwable. Upon the label is a skull and crossbones symbol beside a shattered shield.
  • Mushroom Bath Bomb- 2 /
    It looks like a bunch of mushrooms, grass, and plants rolled into some mud. The seller assures you it’s good for styling your coat pattern exactly how you’ve always wanted it.
  • Crystal Bath Bomb- 2 /
    It looks like a bunch of crystals, glitter, and plants rolled into some mud. The seller assures you it’s good for styling your coat texture exactly how you’ve always wanted it.
  • Ghost Bath Bomb- 2 /
    The seller assures you it’s good for styling your ears or tail exactly how you’ve always wanted.
  • Instant Cure- 3 /
    This bandaid looks like it could heal just about anything!
  • Deer Dad's Blessing- 3 /
    Lets you become more like your favorite deer dad!
  • Potion of Perception- 3 /
    This bottle of silvery liquid has a pair of glasses etched onto it… whatever that means.
  • Elixir of Agility- 3 /
    This bottle of milky blue liquid has a shoe etched onto it… whatever that means.
  • Creepy Contact Lenses- 3 /
    The fireflies help you to equip this item that once applied cannot be removed or traded. Can look however you like. May not change color, rotate, or otherwise alter once in the eye.
  • Lucky(?) Rabbit's Foot- 3 /
    This rabbit’s foot glows in the dark, but it’s soft, shimmering fur is coated with a sticky, oily blue substance that reminds you of day-old blood...
  • Crystal of Knowing and Forgetting- 3 /
    This crystal glows not unlike the others plaguing boreas, but the glow alternates between every color in the rainbow. Just looking at it calls to mind how little time you’ve spent working on your skills lately… This could be risky...
  • ??? Mutation Potion- 3 /
    The potion is a surprisingly light looking purple liquid, clear and slightly fruity smelling, something floats in the middle of the bottle, what it looks like changes depending on how you look at it, from one angle a crystal, from another a mushroom and from yet another a firefly?
  • ??? Companion Flute- 3 /
    A familiar looking companion flute, the selection appears to include several with growths very similar to the strange appearances over the continents, you can’t help but feel drawn to one in particular...
  • Equalizer - 3 /
    A small bag in which you can see two sickeningly green cookies, on the bag is a small tag with instructions: “Afore the eve of war, when the outcome is yet to be drawn eat one biscuit and leave the other for your opponent and all battlefields shall be made equal.”  
  • Tantalizing Treat- 3 /
    Some surprisingly appetizing snacks though it’s hard to tell exactly what’s in them.
  • Coat Hanger- 3 /
    It’s just an everyday coat hanger, but you are a wolf, and you do not know that.