
Not looking so grrrrrreat

Cerb (seasonal)



Master Fighter (245)

Expert Intellectual (191)

An icon representing the specialty Bulwark Bulwark

5 Years
Dire wolf

Critical Attack!The Ooze ParticipantLoser
11-21-2021, 05:03 PM (This post was last modified: 11-21-2021, 05:04 PM by Cináed. Edited 1 time in total.)

Cináed walked around the perimeter of the island, keeping himself occupied while he tried to keep himself from going stir crazy. He understood why Chimera had locked down the island with all this insane craziness going on, but it did drive him a bit mad just looking at the same trees, same buildings, same sand day after day. It had gotten to the point that he'd be able to pick out the same seashells in the sand that he passed on each of his patrols and would actually notice when one of them moved or got swept away by the waves. That was exactly what made him pause as he looked toward where he had seen a pearlescent shell laying over the last couple of days and realized it was gone. The fact that he was so bored that he was actually stopping to look for a missing shell hit him and he sighed with a shake of his head, trudging on along the beach.

As he walked along the shore that was closest to the Aspen Dam, he lifted his head to look up toward the opposite shore and ended up doing a double take when he spotted something in the water and had to stop and squint to make sure he wasn't seeing things. A point of light was moving toward their shore and has it got closer he started to make out the distinctive stripes of a tiger moving toward him. "What the hell...?" he questioned under his breath and he continued to watch as the tiger swam across the stretch of water that separated the island from the main land and once it got closer he realized where the glow was coming from off of the large predator.

Crystals had grown all across the tiger's left side, pulsing and glowing all across its left shoulder, side, neck, and hip. There was a couple shards of crystals sticking out of its head and face as well. Cináed backed away from the edge of the water a bit with a frown. He knew that infection or whatever it was could mess with the head of whatever it infected, but for the tiger to swim all the way to an island that was very obviously inhabited by a pack was stupid at best.

He tossed out a whistle for Tine to join him as the tiger neared the shore, the black hawk appearing from the nearby trees and circling overhead with a call to let him know he was there. As the tiger staggered onto the shore it very clearly wasn't doing well and its eyes were glazed over like it didn't really know what it was doing, but Cináed didn't want to take any chances. At least it should be pretty easy to kill off since it already looked half dead. With a growl he jumped into the fight, dodging the tiger's clumsy swipe as he went to bite at its back leg.

WC: 495
Total: 495/1500

"Cináed Praetor"