
The Destruction Family



08-14-2013, 03:16 PM
Name: Symphony

Symphony has to be the caretaker of her brother Anthem, and does not see anything wrong with him. This is most likely because she doesn't WANT to see anything wrong with him and ignores that he has special needs. Symphony, in a way, is more like a parent to him than a sibling. Symphony wants to be the leader of the pack, and wants to lead her siblings. Because of this, there is a lot of tension between her and her non-slow brother, Howl, and is always trying to make him see that sometimes, HER decisions are better.

Symphony is a quiet wolf and does not talk to anybody except her siblings, and is very nice unless she is trying to prove a point to one of them, or both of them. Then she can become quite grouchy and snappy and mean and will want to yell at Howl unless Anthem is around. Howl always gets the brunt of what Anthem does because Symphony cares for him much, much more. Not that she doesn't care for Howl, because she does. It's just that Anthem isn't as clever and smart as Howl and that he needs more care than Howl and Symphony knows that, even of she isn't willing to admit to it.

As for her mother and Song, Symphony could care less about both of them and would not take care of them. Symphony used to look up to Song as her leader, until she left them all alone with their stupid, whiny mother who wouldn't shut up about her. Especially since it was HER fault that Song left them. Symphony cannot stand whining like that even if they made it happen, even though she does that all the time. Symphony has no idea she does this, or else she would stop.

History: So, you do want to hear about my history because I knew you could not stop reading. Well, I was born, no duh, to Novel and somebody else I didn't see a lot. My mom was all 'whine whine whine.' and Song was all like 'mother this mother that mother no.' Anthem was all like 'I hope there isn't a stranger around' and Howl was all like '...'. *Stops to yell at Howl* Yes, Howl, that is how you were and don't you forget it! *Continues* And I was all like 'I hope this' *Is interrupted by Howl* Stop it, Howl! I saw you! *Signs and continues* Anyway, I was all like 'I hope this stops soon.' Sooo, NOT the best family to have.

Well, Novel started yelling her stupid head off at Song and Song was defending herself and was finally like 'I'm LEAVING!' and then she stomped off all dramatic like this *Stomps*. So I was awake but I didn't say anything because I was stunned and- *Yells at Howl* HUSH! *Cuntinues* That's my annoying brother Howl, and he is SOOOO annoying. *Sighs and rolls eyes*. Sp I was stunned and all whispery 'I hope she comes back soon.', but she never did. Anthem was all 'I wonder where sis is.' and, not wanting to hurt him, I was all like 'Hunting.' So he believe... *Stops and gasps* Anthem, I'm so sorry you had to hear this! I'm so sorry! I didn't want to hurt you!

Bla bla bla, we left, didn't find Song, but stayed. The end!

RP sample:

Symphony perked her ears up as she heard yells and her sibling screaming at her mother that she was leaving. Then she heard the noise of Sing stomping away and then soft sobbing. Symphony growled softly and knew almost instantly that Song probably wasn't coming back. But still, she hoped that she would and wanted her to be back by morning. So, lowering her head, she closed her eyes and fell int an uneasy sleep.