
No Way Out




Novice Hunter (15)

Advanced Fighter (80)

5 Years

LoserScarredUnderachieverThe Ooze Participant
11-24-2021, 12:24 AM
He had made his way out of that icky mushy forest and swiftly set forth away from it, not wanting to return to it any time soon for any reason. His paws brought him along the base of the mountain, following its curvature as he ventured forth, and eventually he found himself at some sort of cave entrance. With a quick sniff check to make sure there were not any bears or large predators waiting inside, Laith slipped his way in, curious as to what was inside.
It elongated into a tunnel, and he continued on, eyes squinting as it became darker and darker the deeper with he went. At some point he came across a single small entrance, large enough that he only had to crawl on his belly to squeeze through, but as he dropped to his elbows and began to crawl forward, he found that the level of light dropped to absolutely nothing, and he was left in complete darkness.
The thought to back out and leave definitely crossed his mind once... and also twice, but he had come this far and so was determined to at least check it out. He managed to squeeze his way through until he no longer felt pressure around his sides, and slowly rose to his full height. There was pitch blackness all around, but Laith felt confident enough to take multiple strides forward, and promptly walked face first right into something furry, yet also kind of... sticky?
"What the fuck?" He yelped out, jumping backwards to get away from whatever the hell that was. He brought up a front paw to try and swipe away the oozy liquid that had gotten onto his cheek, letting out a noise of disgust as it just made his paw all sticky too. "What is this shit?" Laith mumbled grouchily to himself, spitting out a gob of saliva to make sure he did not swallow any of it.
"Who's there?" He called out, taking another step backwards, ready to turn tail and escape through the small opening if it was something that wanted to try and eat him.
Laith is an M rated character, thread with him at your own risk!