
all a matter of perspective


08-14-2013, 04:37 PM


Silverback settled in to listen to the little story. So she had captured a wild, untamed thing who preferred the back of the winds, how lovely. She would rather have a fit pet than a flabby one. He spoke of traveling around and of never finding anyone. Honestly the cat wouldn't have cared much if she'd pulled him out of a family. She couldn't allow herself to take such things into consideration when a greater good like her own happiness was at stake.

His addition of 'partner' at the end, pleased her most excellently. There he was getting the idea, now. Though he was still lacking that adoration that she deserved to be spoken of with. He was a lucky, lucky wolf, though his poor primative mind could not wrap around that fact just yet. He had been selected by chance and a leopard's choice to spend his days in the company of a higher being. Ah well, Silverback couldn't expect miracles. And as far as first days went, this was excellent.

"You needn't worry about having to enetertain me all the time," Silverback explained quite matter-of-factly, "Oft times I'll be out hunting or exploring, but I'll come back on odd days and make sure you don't go hungry or begin pining too violently for me." She'd been quite serious sounding until the last bit. It was half taunt, half truth, but this male had begun to get fresh here and there and she didn't mind being a tad overwhelming with her language. Yes, in time she would expect devotion - or at least a perfect faking of it, but not quite yet. "Now Kypsis, darling, why don't you ask me a question?... - oh and if you can think of no better one that 'what is your name?' I'll go ahead and tell you it's Silverback."
