
dig a tunnel dig dig a tunnel

Event / Eru



1 Year

The Ooze Participant
11-24-2021, 01:54 PM (This post was last modified: 11-26-2021, 08:50 PM by Eru. Edited 1 time in total.)
Long, lean legs trotted easily over the sand. This wasn't necessarily home for the free-ranging dog, but it was close enough; it was an area that he excelled in. He had long split from his birth pack of other Carolina Dogs; large and well-off they were, his maturity pushed him away and to explore. Not to lead, no. He quite frankly had no desire to lead. He'd leave that to the stronger dogs, the dominant ones. He would hold his place in a pack, and would not allow himself to be the lowest of the low, but neither did he ever want to fight for the top. It just wasn't him. It was too much effort. He was overall an easy-going guy, not one prone to starting shit.

Since leaving, he had travelled through forests, plains similar to home, deserts - similar to that which bordered his old home - and mountains. He wasn't a fan of the mountains. Snow was fun to play in, but he was much happier to no longer be in any type of northern area. The fields and the plains were where he excelled, and where his pack lived and thrived and grew. Well, his old pack, he supposed.

He certainly wasn't expecting to see on his journey flying sand from a digger. Slowing his gait down, his curiosity got the better of him. This world was quite peculiar and while he was starting to become comfortable with it.. he was still unnerved by the crystals and mushrooms and goo and how it infected others. How would this one be affected? It didn't look like a big creature, but he wasn't certain. He trotted ever the closer, pausing as he caught sight of the wolf. Oh. Nevermind. Definitely a big wolf. Much, much larger than him. MUCH larger than him. He was by no means a small dog, but that didn't compare to the size of the wolves that ranged in this land. And the colors, too. Whereas his ginger blended beautifully in the plains and even the desert, this wolf was... not that. Quite frankly, he was quite beautiful. A falling night sky, though the colors were muted in the fogs that plagued the lands currently. Except.... Eru's eyes dropped to the other canine's paws. Bloody, raw. He'd been digging for a while. "Are you alright?" he ventured cautiously, body posed to flee if need be but otherwise held in a loose, non-threatening manner.

"Speech" "You"

photo by keanai