
A special kind of thank you

Royal Family


"The Ash and Snow Queen"


Master Healer (240)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Field Medic Field Medic

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

6 Years

1KThe Ooze ParticipantPride - Bisexual
11-24-2021, 05:09 PM
When Dalila had come to her with her suggestion on how they could all show Chimera appreciation for the care he gave to them, Aliana hadn't exactly been surprised by the suggestion, but she was taken aback by who it was coming from. She knew Dalila and her had shared a passionate night together with Chimera—the evidence of it continued to run around the island, after all—but since then, both Dalila and Siren had kept to themselves. While not unusual given that the two were lovers, she was surprised that they thought of getting involved in such a way with her. It brought flushes of heat to her cheeks and made her feel... included. She'd discovered a sapphic interest in Dalila after the threesome they'd had, and she'd always harbored secret feelings for the beautiful Siren, intensified by their heated time together in the baths. Ali, of course, agreed without any convincing needed. Anything that involved pleasing or caring for Chimera had her deeply vested interest.

Each of the ladies prepared for the surprise in their own ways. While Dalila had prepared some sustenance for them throughout the event, Aliana had also taken the time to bathe and groom her fur, restoring herself to her usual luster and conditioning her fur to be extra silken soft to the touch. It had been a while since she'd properly cared for herself, and though the routine felt strange, she was slowly returning to normalcy. Siren had elected to handle the contraceptives—though Ali doubted she had any need for them after what had happened—so Ali took to her study, collecting up an assortment of recreational herbs for the ladies and their man. The plants were mild, things like cannabis and kava, with a couple khat leaves for those who desired a more intensely pleasurable high, all meant to heighten sensations and reduce inhibitions. Just fun little treats to elevate things to another plane if they chose to partake.

Aliana returned to her bedchambers she shared with Chimera and found Dalila and Siren already at work with preparations. She set her collection of drugs and herbs to the side of the bed beside the food and drinks, feeling her heart race with eager excitement while aquamarine eyes swayed over the two beautiful faes already taking their place in bed. With a cheeky grin, Aliana climbed onto the mattress and made herself comfortable in a nook of pillows, furs, and blankets at Dalila's side. An airy giggle passed her lips when Dalila nuzzled her cheek, returning the affections in the form of a lick to the edge of the mottled fae's ear. Siren called for Chimera, and the two of them exchanged blush-filled glances, memories of their time in the baths returning to Aliana's mind. Tonight would be enjoyable for all of them, but in particular, Ali was looking forward to getting a chance to enjoy Siren even more intimately. She'd longed to love on the regal, gorgeous princess since the day she'd learned she was more than just property to the Klein royals.

"Aliana Klein"

As her mate, Chimera may enter any thread Aliana is in.