
taking steps is easy; standing still is hard

Basilisk I


3 Years
Extra large
08-14-2013, 04:48 PM

Oh, how his wicked mind wandered. For much of his life, Basilisk had known mostly solitude, mostly visited by his siblings or parents. The company of others left him mostly unaffected, his heart hardened from the loss of his father, finding it difficult to get much pleasure out of anything. Even the presence of a beautiful woman did nothing to stir him; and yet the innocence of this girl seemed to awaken something inside the yearling, something he had not yet had the privilege of feeling before. Eyes roved over her, taking in every inch of her strange cream and orange pelt. Her colorization was about as familiar as her melt. And yet she withheld her mother's name, and his mind wandered, striving to make the connection that seemed so impossible.

But the meeting was interrupted. Almost immediately as soon as he heard the sound of paws tapping against the ground, his hackles raised instinctively. It was a dark-furred male, and he didn't appreciated the arrival of another. Fangs were revealed as his lips curled back in a threatening snarl, but he relaxed slightly as he noted the male seemed harmless. "And who are you?" Instinct kicked in, and he wanted badly to protect Aegira -- even though in the back of his mind, he knew it was very well he that she ought to be protected from.