
Pretty is as Pretty Does



7 Years
08-14-2013, 05:01 PM

Surreal?s tail wagged softly as the black and white female, Orica, said it was nice to meet her. The question, however, gave her a pause. She mulled it over. ?No? I?m in training to be a warrior. I want to be the greatest warrior in Valhalla, so I can maybe be a great Beta like my Uncle Cormalin!? Her head lifted high in pride for having an Uncle like Cormalin, silver tail wagging harder. The butterfly was almost forgotten, until the male brought her attention back to it, as it had landed on his shoulder. She found it rather hard not to look at it, and to keep her eyes from traveling beyond the insect.

She didn?t know what to do, or think when he managed to ensnare the butterfly on his tail. How?d he do? that? He was walking over to her. Was it just her, or was it getting warm? Then he offered the butterfly to her. Well, it was rude to refuse a gift, and the butterfly seemed to be begging for release. She leaned her head forward, touching her nose to the butterfly, and incidentally, got sap on her nose, as well as a butterfly. Surprised, she pulled back, eyes crossing to look at the fluttering creature, which seemed to be indignant. Thankfully, her nose was wet enough that the sap couldn?t stay stuck for long. The butterfly was just strong enough to pull away, and it fluttered off.

She cast a shy glance at the male, a little embarrassed by having a butterfly stuck to her nose.

[Image: a5Wob8t.png]
Surreal's family is allowed to crash any thread she is in, regardless of it being private or not.