
Sink or Swim




Advanced Fighter (80)

Beginner Hunter (0)

5 Years
Dire wolf
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2
11-24-2021, 08:23 PM
"It certainly seems like it has. So it hasn't always been like this, then?" Ifrit shook his head, though the motion was slow and stiff. He certainly couldn't move as fast as he usually could thanks to the extra weight on him, and his head sunk below his shoulders. He was a sad sight from what he usually looked like, he was sure. His body was normally not so frail looking nor ragged, but the crystals seemed to leave his energy feeling incredibly drained and he was ready for a nap..."No...I'm normally not covered in giant crystals, let alone feeling this...shitty...I don't know what happened, but the world suddenly changed sometime over the Winter. All I know is I was fine until I touched a crystal, so I imagine others who are infected must have come in contact with the other weird shit."

He hadn't seen his father nor his siblings since the start of all this...were they fine? Had they met the same fate as him? Were they growing mushrooms and crystals and oozing weird shit, too? He wasn't sure. It was hard to imagine his father or his siblings covered in crystals, though he supposed it was better than being covered in giant mushrooms...right? "I haven't figured out yet exactly how we got infected...though I'm sure those of us who fucked with a crystal, or mushroom are going through what I am...though all I did was kinda...touch one...with a claw...still, I can't speak for others..." He didn't miss the way the dog looked ready to flee at a moments notice, and Ifrit couldn't help but shift a bit, wincing as a crystal on his leg rubbed against his chest. Normally he wasn't so social or even in the mood to offer a decent conversation, but he was so exhausted with the weight of his condition and lack of sleep, that being his usual self at the moment just wasn't in the cards.

Ifrit has horns & longer fangs. These may not always be depicted in his Art!