
pampered like a queen


"The Ash and Snow Queen"


Master Healer (240)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Field Medic Field Medic

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

6 Years

1KThe Ooze ParticipantPride - Bisexual
11-25-2021, 10:01 PM
Secretly, Aliana was glad that Siren didn't leave her right away. The bath was such a nice gesture, but more than anything, Aliana didn't want to be alone. She'd trapped herself in her misery and mourning, shutting out everyone and everything for too long. She needed to reintegrate herself back into the pack to heal, and she was starved for the companionship she'd denied herself of. It kept her mind busy and allowed her to focus on healing and moving on instead of dwelling on the past. When Siren returned to the edge of the tub, Ali smiled warmly to the queen, ash gray ears sliding back as a sheepish blush touched her cheeks. Siren's compliments were heartwarming and made Ali's stomach fill with butterflies. Over time, her attraction to the gorgeous queen had grown, no doubt from seeing her grow as a mother. She was flawless in Aliana's eyes, and the former slave girl often looked to her for how a queen should act and behave.

"You don't need to thank me, Siren. I would save Albion a thousand times over for you." Aliana glanced away from Siren's stunning blue and silver eyes for a moment to allow her cheeks some time to let the blush drain from them. The ash and snow fae swayed her paw through the steaming water for a moment, just soaking in the warmth and letting the heat penetrate her muscles through to relax and ease away all stress and burden from her body. "I... I have a... strange request, if you'd humor me, my lady," said Ali after a moment, struggling to try and put her desires into words that wouldn't embarrass her too badly. Aqua eyes glanced shyly back up to Siren, feeling her heart miss another beat or two when their eyes met. "Would you... join me? I'm not used to being pampered like this, and I'd very much like to share this with you."

Her eyes then turned to the arrays of soaps and oils and other products Siren had procured for her spa day, suddenly feeling out of her element. "It's a bit embarrassing for me to say this as well, but... I have no idea where to even begin! The only thing I recognize is the soap, and I've never used oils on my coat before." A timid little smile split her lips as light giggles escaped her, realizing the irony of the situation of a queen that didn't know how to pamper herself. "I don't know if I'm very well suited to be a queen. Not like you, Lady Siren. You're always so graceful and beautiful and regal, and me? I don't even know how to bathe like a queen!" Aliana laughed again, glancing to Siren again, wondering how she had learned to be so noble and magnificent.


As her mate, Chimera may enter any thread Aliana is in.