
I know who I want to take me home


08-14-2013, 06:55 PM

As his children wrestled behind him, Seraphim's attention remained focused on the whelp he had greeted. Her manner seemed tentative as she addressed him, clearly being cautious as she did not know who he was. He hoped to ease her concerns by continuing to speak gently, but something told him it wouldn't be quite so simple. Glad to meet you, Devya, he began in earnest. My name is Seraphim, and I only want to help you. Your parents are gone, are they not? He took careful note of her thin body and the fright that his behind her eyes.

The appearance of his daughter at his side was mildly surprising, though since her mother wasn't around it wasn't as unwarranted. He turned his face toward her as she spoke, shaking his head slightly. No, Artemis, I am not going to eat her, he replied patiently. Since when did his children imagine him a cannibal? While he was not a kind wolf, and certainly had little interaction with them (against his own wishes), he was far from that degree of evil. If she is alone, she will need someone to care for her, and to teach her the same things I will teach you - hunting, fishing... surviving. That is why I am speaking with her.

He glanced toward Devya as the final words emitted from his maw, gauging the reaction on her face. Deep within him was a desperate hope that she would be interested in the offer he was putting forth, but he wondered idly how his children might react to his adoption of another child in the event that this worked out in his favor.
