
I know who I want to take me home

Ares 1


08-14-2013, 07:28 PM

He smiled victoriously through ear fur as he heard the squeal part from his sister's lips. Mercifully, he let her free taking note her expression as she moved away. Her chuckles reached his ears and he mirrored that reaction, a condescending giggle fell from his lips. It was almost mocking in tone, but he knew she'd take it well. Artemis was one of the few wolves he could actually say he 'liked'. He let his attention follow hers and be occupied by the large male who sired him.
His pale paws carried him behind her form over to the opposing lupines. As she came to a stop he let himself nip her rump playfully, showing her where he was in relation to her stance. ?Are you gonna eat her, dad?? It was a good question, and he hoped Seraphim refrained from such a practice. He wanted to keep her as a pet. No, Artemis, I am not going to eat her, That was a relief at least, If she is alone, she will need someone to care for her, and to teach her the same things I will teach you - hunting, fishing... surviving. That is why I am speaking with her. Oh no, his father collected the same idea that he had. His face became a bit downtrodden as the older wolf ruined his fun. You won't keep her all to yourself, will you Father? His lavender gaze slipped up to the adult's face. I wanted to have her.
