
Send me away with the words of a love song



12 Years

The Ooze ParticipantChristmas 2019
11-27-2021, 03:22 PM

Octave looked worse than even Hymn had on his death bed as an old man. He smiled softly and let Noko leap from his arms to the ground to snuggle into Octave's stomach. Hymn gently moved to curl around the frail frame of his son. Octave who'd already faced so much, who'd struggled with his anxiety and who'd managed to find himself a small network all his own despite it all. Octave who looked so much like Hymn's own bastard father, Octave who proved that no matter what blood ran through your veins evil was a choice and not predetermined. His poor, sweet son. Hymn had already ushered one son home, one estranged daughter... He didn't want to have to bring another home with him yet. It broke his heart to know he had no choice. Hymn could feel it. Though to him it felt like the warmth of the sun on his pelt, it carried the scent of the place he spent the rest of his time, among his wife and children. With his mothers and Psalm. It was creeping up on the pair of them and he felt Octave shiver, and he knew it felt cold to those still alive, he remembered that well from his own passing.

Octave spoke and Hymn gently licked the top of his son's head. A soft, wavering hum pulling from his lungs, a lullaby from when they'd just been tiny bundles at Oria's stomach and he'd fallen in love with them. Had promised himself he'd never let himself become a stranger in his children's lives again.

—  hymn

I gotta whisper
'cause I can't be too loud

I just got back from moving, please help me catch up by dropping threads I owe here. <3