
I'm waiting for my pay in full




Novice Hunter (15)

Advanced Fighter (80)

5 Years

LoserScarredUnderachieverThe Ooze Participant
11-27-2021, 08:17 PM
He focused intently on finding an acceptably ripe peach, muzzle snuffling around the trees for one that had fallen off but had not been pecked to ruin by any birds. It did not take him long, and he happily grabbed it delicately between his jaws, ready to take it back to his pile and move on from the orchard. However, when he heard a low rumbling growl from behind him he whipped around, teeth bared around the fruit he held in his maw. His hackles raised up at the sight of the larger wolf, head lowering to protect his throat at the aggressive posture of the stranger. He watched silently as the other ate an apple cleanly in two bites, but was put off by the sudden staring match he had found himself in.
It was one thing to be aggressive in the presence of food, he was definitely one of those types, but this was just... passive-aggressive nonsense! Laith let out a low growl of his own, feeling saliva begin to pool in his mouth around the fruit, but not willing to let it go in case this wolf stole it from him. He'd only release it if he was attacked and had to defend himself, even if it meant being in a slightly more vulnerable position "Wha' 'oo wan'?" He said somewhat unintelligibly. A small tendril of saliva slipped out of his maw and down his chin as he spoke. He would stand his ground, glaring at the other wolf to try and get them to go away, but if it was a fight they wanted, he would not be opposed.
No one would mess with his fucking food, and he would make sure this wolf learned it the hard way if that's what it took.
Laith is an M rated character, thread with him at your own risk!