
mercy now



Master Fighter (240)

Expert Healer (145)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

5 Years

The Ooze Participant
11-27-2021, 11:19 PM

Finding herbs for the strange illness that has swept through the land was no small feat. it wasn’t long before she had worked her way through her small stores, and was sorely in need of more. She would have asked Briar, her Mistress to accompany her, of course. But Sirius had sought her out, and she had to admit, cautious and quietly, that she did not have what he was looking for. The Warlord was a man of motion, and like a whirlwind, the next thing she knew he was asking her what climates she needed for her herbs, and was escorting her from the packs.

They had made their way to the mile-high woods, and she had quickly began her work, foraging for herbs in the undergrowth. She felt very aware of the Alpha-Warlords presence, and was intimidated by the large, gruff wolf that had swept her here.

With a bag stuffed full of bulbs, seeds, and herbs, she felt this venture was something of a success, however. She was just digging a root free of the earth when Sirius spoke. She lifted her own head, cautious and weary. She would never forget how others had preyed on her when she had been alone. Slinking into the Warlord shadow, it wasn’t long until she realised he was speaking to a child. “Oh, hello there. I’m Lia, and this is Warlord Sirius.” she cast him a look from the corner of her eye. “He looks big and tough, but he’s a big softie, I promise” she said. Avoiding so much as glancing towards the towering wolf after that statement.

[Image: 2f7uv49.png]