
under the moonlight


08-14-2013, 09:26 PM

a war waiting to be won

The silvery-gray battle queen shifted her bodice so that she could see the world around her. Back legs pushed off of the dry earth, sending her weight forward and up - onto the crumbling wall. Despite the fact that it was summer, it seemed that this land still remained cooler than others she had traveled through. She supposed it was because it was the farthest north she'd been in quite some time. To be quite honest she had missed the icy chill of northern lands. She missed the snow, the freezing rain and sleet, even the hail. Most of all, she missed the familiarity of it all. She'd spent most of her adult life in the winter, but traveling like this brought her into all sorts of climates - some she appreciated, others she did not. This one seemed fair enough though, and the dame had a mind to stand atop this wall and traverse it's length until she found the perfect place to sleep the day away. The midnight moon shone high above her, setting her coat ablaze in a flurry of molten sterling. Oh how she loved the way she looked by the moonlight. She stepped forward, taking great fluid strides as she went, wondering if there was such a place to sleep in this land. It was sparsely forested on the greener side, and was barren and rocky on the side that would probably be covered in snow the very next season. "Hmph," came the sound from her lips. She truly was tired of walking, even though today had been a rather light day of traveling. She supposed she really ought to continue on though, if she were ever going to find somewhere comfortable enough to rest. The daylight was not her favorite light to travel in, particularly during the summer. With another effort from her back legs she landed with a defiant "Oof," before prowling in the direction of what appeared to be a sparse forest of pine trees. It was a good distance off, but it appeared to be the most logical place to find rest.