
Calling All Calendula Crafters



Expert Healer (165)

Expert Fighter (179)

4 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 1 WorshipThe Ooze Participant
11-28-2021, 05:11 AM
Aris was coming to terms with the idea of Gossamer being her mentor in healing. Between Goss and her fox friend they were more knowledgeable in it than most of the full adults in the pack and, unlike the older adults, she was actually willing to teach Aris without being a snooty asshole about it. Being paired with Ophelia to train fighting instead of getting an actual mentor was a completely different issue altogether, but Goss as a healing mentor she could get behind, so when Gossamer called Aris answered with appropriate eagerness.

She hid a disgusted face at the sight of one of Azure's pups there to clearly share a lesson - ugh she was in the baby class - but she couldn't really blame Azure for wanting his kids to be trained when that lack of training was exactly what Aris had been complaining about this whole time. So when it came down to it, she was the reason the kid got to be trained, right? Because she'd complained loudly enough about it? But no matter how much she argued with herself, she felt a little ember of resentment that no one had ever cared enough about her litter to do the same.

Still she forced a grin as she came up on them. "Hey, Goss! You look like shit," she told her sister with cheerful disregard for the young ears listening. And to hide the resentment that Goss surely would disagree with, and because despite the resentment she knew it wasn't really the kids' fault and it wasn't really fair of her to resent them at all, she added "Hey kid," because she had no idea what the kid's name was, and sought to tousle the fur on her head roughly. "Ready to learn about the exciting world of healing?"