
wake me up


08-14-2013, 09:48 PM

ooc// crappy post, will do better next!!

Dainty paws pressed gently along the rough stone surface, large golden eyes wide and curious as she studied the masonry work beneath her feet. At this point in her life the yearling had experienced most of these lands, having traveled to most of the islands and seen almost all the sights but some things still amazed her. Such as this wall, it reminded her of the last time she had seen her old friend Talon and the barn he had showed her. Had the two leggeds made this as well? Was there nothing that they couldn't do? Well other then survive obviously seeing as they had left all these landmarks and then disappeared and it seemed that there was no where off this land mass other then the islands along the coast. But she had also seen the ship, maybe they had had more and simply sailed off in them. So many possibilities... But for now there was a large mass of stones held together by sticky locking mud and it was intriguing to her. Though it sent her thoughts spiralling back to Talon and from there large ears collapsed against her skull and gaze turned towards the ground as she paused in her walk. She had gone back to his home that he had shown them not too long ago, needing to get her fix of him only to find that he had not been then. She had spoken to no one, had waited at the boarder for a day after howling before continuing on. Talon wouldn't have kept her waiting that long if he had been in ear shot.

The young girl hadn't grown considerably but she had developed quite a bit. Her legs made up most of her small height, body slender and stream lined due to the fact she had to hunt for herself and normally hunted small game. Fur had sleeked out considerably, markings very visible now that she no longer had her puppy coat. She now understood why her mother had given her the name Kangi, she was black like a crow with wing like markings. She still knew a few words of her old language but now English had filled in quite nicely, the most she remembered were the stories her mother used to tell her of the different animals. She remembered her language through them as well as her heritage. It was nice to have a bit of her history left despite loosing it at a young age. But she still wanted someone to share it with, wanted to mix her culture with someone else's as she had done with Prospero. Talon had been her first choice but where he was she didn't know and it almost worried her...
