
The Destruction Family


08-14-2013, 09:54 PM
Name: Howl
Personality: Howl isn't what you would call...talkative. Due to his childhood, being neglected by his parents, he grew up mostly on his own. He only had his siblings, Anthem and Symphony since Song was always off with their Mother. He has resentment for some things, and finds it very hard to forgive. He is quieter, does things mostly for himself and his other siblings, though with Song...he isn't sure. He means well in his intentions, doesn't like to hurt others, doesn't like to abandon others. But the thing is, if he felt he was hurt and abandoned by someone then he will not hesitate to close them out until he feels they are truly sorry or somehow redeemed themself. Even then, it will take some time for him to fully trust you. Bravery and loyalty is what this wolf is all about. Once you have him as a friend, ally, or a mate then rest assured that you will have someone at your side for life. He feels that the world should be like that, but he also knows that not all are good. Even he himself has flaws where he has trust and resentment, and yes, even jealousy issues. It was because of his early puphood that made him that way. Though he tries to be the best he can and the best person he can be, he is having some troubles. Trust and forgiveness are a huge deal for him, and perfection of such things are nigh on impossible. This boy is the epitome of secrecy of the heart. He will not open up easily and only shares his secrets, thoughts, and feelings with his siblings Symphony and Anthem. Seeing as how he has never met anyone to fall in love with, and judging by his past, he is sure that it doesn't exist. Maybe one day, someone will prove him wrong...
History: "My history huh? Well...what can I say? My mother never loved us. She put all her time towards Song, my...sister. And our Father...well, he was around..sort of. For the most part, he tried to be there for us as much as he could. But other duties would take priority. So it was just me, Anthem, and Symphony most of the time. We're all we have, and it has been that way for most of our lives. After Song and Novel got into a confrontation over something, not sure exactly what about...Then that's when Song left. My siblings were heart broken over it but I...I couldn't really bring myself to feel much. She was the crown jewel in the eyes of my parents, my mother mostly. neglecting us for her and giving us little to no attention at all. So why would I feel something for that? All I could think to myself was 'Good Riddance.' That maybe after she had left, we'd finally get some attention, but I was wrong. Our mother spent lots of time pining over her, whining about the one that left. How perfect she was and wondering why she left. That she was supposed to take charge after they passed! But what about Us? Were we not worthy enough to take leadership? heh...I supposed not. Anyways, a long time had passed since Song disappeared. I began to think that maybe she had died, or just thought she was too good to want anything to do with us. I mean, I didn't wish for her to die or anything, it just seemed like a logical thought. Everyone else though, just wouldn't stop talking about her. Then one day, a man by the name of Cherokee appeared. He told us that Song was in a land called Alacritis, and that he had traveled all this way to find us, trying to get us to return with him. I told him that we would think about it. Then he left, and that's when the decisions began. As much as I tried to avoid the topic and just forget all about it, Symphony and Anthem just kept on insisting that we go. So, like the responsible and loyal brother that I am to them, I said I would go only because I didn't want them to be alone on the journey. So then we left our pack, and went on our way to Alacritis...To be honest, I don't know how I would feel...seeing her again. I feel so much resentment about everything in our past, I haven't even spoken to our mother since she left. Why should I? She didn't care about us, so I began to not care about anyone but my brother and sister. Even though it's in the's just hard for me. But now the moment of truth is nearing, we'll see what happens. I wonder if she'd even recognize us...but for my brother and sisters sake, I hope she does. As for me? I could care less...
Design: The design that you made is good cuz me likeys X)
RP sample: If you decided not to use the history for this, there is no word count