
wake me up

Talon I


4 Years
08-14-2013, 10:23 PM

Glaciem. This was his new pack -- he had been welcomed here, but had thus far kept entirely to himself. Except for Euphrosyne. His caretaker, his newest friend. How badly he missed his mother and sisters, and Kangi too. But he couldn't have stayed in Seracia, in his empty den, all by himself. It had been too depressing. Here, at least, there was hope. Hope for a better life for himself, without the burden of constantly wondering where his family had gone. He couldn't help but feel guilty, as though he had done something wrong, but at least so far from home, his attention was arrested from such thoughts and he was able to be content, at least for now.

In the last season he had grown a few inches, and Euphrosyne had made sure he'd had plenty to eat. He'd filled out rather nicely, but yet he was still scrawny, still rather small for a yearling -- and here he would stay. Yet he was content with his size, happy to be small and somewhat nimble ... even on just three paws. It matched his timid personality quite well.

Today the small boy was out wandering. He wanted badly to find some small meal to bring back to Euph, for all she had done for him. Perhaps a rabbit or other small rodent? Eager and optimistic, he padded from Glaciem's borders, tail wagging behind him as he sniffed at the wind.

A short walk brought him a scent that was familiar. Not a rabbit, but ... he frowned, nose wrinkling as he sniffed at the air. It couldn't be! Quickly his pace increased, his excitement getting the best of him as he rushed forward; nearly slipping more than once, he nearly sprinted to where the scent came from. How far away he had to travel, he didn't know -- but the sight of Kangi was overwhelming and he began to bark, letting out short calls in rapid succession. Had she missed him? Their last meeting had gone so well, he could only hope she would be just as excited to see him. "Kangi!" He nearly howled, hopping across the plains to her. He hardly noticed the stone structure nearby, despite how strange it was, but only cast it a side-glance. His attention was captured by Kangi and how pretty she looked, even prettier than last time.