
Lo, There Do I See My Brother

Brothers Talk To The Moon


"Born In Suffering; Built with Love"


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11-28-2021, 08:43 PM (This post was last modified: 11-28-2021, 08:49 PM by Ricin. Edited 1 time in total.)
**This Thread Takes Place Immediately Following The Thread Ghost Tales**

The forest that the brothers have found themselves in has offered them hidden spots, good meals, and once dead secrets. While there spent here has proved fruitful, the call to move on settles over the brothers once more and restless paws seek to discover new places. The sun has started to appear less and less, shifting the world from an eerie twilight to the dark night without warning. Time has become as elusive the as sun. With no solid way to tell how much time has passed, the days have begun to take on a more dream like quality.

The brother’s still take turns sleeping, one keeping watch while the other drifts away in dreamland and that is how they have started measuring their days. When both are awake, they move quickly through the fog dense forest, trying to find a way out of the seemingly never-ending maze. When the trees finally start to thin, offering them more open views of the sky, Ricin starts to relax. While the heavy fog obscures the moon, just the knowledge that they will be on more open ground soon lifts the lighter pup’s spirits.

When the last tree falls away and the yawning expanse of grassland that butts up against large mountains greets the brothers, Ricin lets out a deep relieved sigh. Ever since they had met the ghost wolf known as Auntie Vela, the lighter brother has felt an irresistible urge to commune with the moon like she instructed. He had told Chade everything she said in his head, a promise to forage their bond stronger than ever. Ricin knows that Chade feels responsible for him, that his brother had caused a sibling to die so that Ricin may live and there has been guilt surrounding that event.

Ricin hopes that this ceremony heals some of that guilt for both of them and allows the brothers to form a tighter bond. Thoughts tumble and turn as paws carry him closer to the mountains face. Suddenly a silver flash of moonlight draws Ricin from his musings and he stops to look up at the sky. There is still fog here but it is not thick and choking like in the forest. Mushrooms and crystals cast their eerie glow into the mist, lending an air of mystery to the land. However, as the moonlight flashes, the fog seems to disappear and the glowing fungi and rocks dim.

Crimson eyes look to the silver goddess, silently assessing the sentinel of the night. Nodding to himself, Ricin turns to look at Chade and says, “Ny, you remember what I said about Auntie Vela? About the stuff she told me? I think it is time to speak with the moon.” Carefully, Ricin watches his brother’s reaction, not wanting to push Chade into something he is uncomfortable with. Ricin hopes that Chade will allow him to follow through with this fanciful folly.
