
Defiers of Fate



11 Years
08-14-2013, 11:21 PM (This post was last modified: 08-15-2013, 02:16 AM by Bane.)
Bane saw her tail curl over her hind legs as his gazed narrowed at her laughter as her rich green eyes flickered about. The female rogue spoke with the mannerisms of a succubus. Bane had heard of these types of wolves, his adoptive father had visited one of these groups of wolves. Mating services in return for a job required of these whore packs, usually to get food in exchange of a females companionship for a night. Flesh for flesh business. At least that's what his father had told him when Bane had asked why he smelled of female. "I can obviously see that you want something more than company, you want something only a male can bring you. Satisfy your itch. So tell me how are the other females in your little group?" Bane placed his head on his paws and closed his eyes. The snow leopardess he'd spent a night with would be a better partner than this mating starved she-wolf. Silverback and Bane.... they had a helluva long and passionate night together. This female, she probably last an hour.?Aspasia was her name, Bane lifting his head and opened his eyes to look up at the dark furred she-wolf.

Aspasia brought her tail under his raised chin and that barely peaked his interest. Well, the way she was circling him and how she smiled and moved about were all enticing. As far as he could tell she was experienced in putting on a show for males. Bane had enjoyed the way but on the act of being uninterested. He'd satisfy this rogue female before him alright. "So?Aspasia, where would you have me? On the beach... in the shallows... amongst the dunes... or the shoreside forest." Bane rocked his head from side to side with each location, muzzle jerking outward and grabbing her tail with his fangs to get?Aspasia to hold still for one second and look him in the eyes.
Bane •nx Tahlia x-q Anais ono Jakart •n• Nako •n• Lior •n• Kailos •n• Espirit •n•