
Fire and Ice


08-14-2013, 11:32 PM

Ice. Ice. And more ice. Lots of it in fact. The whole place was covered in ice, as if it had been built from a glacier. It was absolutely breathtaking, certainly nothing the young Blood had ever seen in his life. Spires of ice, standing as tall as redwoods, reached up into blue skies, seemingly endless. They glittered in the light of the afternoon, throwing up rainbows all across the surface of the ice, the multitude of colors dancing across hid grey-blue pelt. His icy eyes followed admired the twirling spires of ice as he slowly traversed through them, careful where he put his massive paws lest he take a misstep and crash into the ice. He wasn't too far from home, but far enough that he was out of reach from any help, so getting hurt out here wasn't exactly the smartest thing to do. A sprained ankle or twisted paw wasn't something he was looking forward to sporting any time soon if at all.

Cool oceanic breezes swept across the frosty landscape, rustling his thick pelt, throwing it this way and that, bringing along the irritating smell of salt. It grated his senses of smell, bringing a sneeze out of the titan as he cleared his nasal passages, continuing on, navigating through the ice spires as he moved towards the edge of the terrain, out to where he could see the ocean. It was a vast body of water, stretching out as far as he could see, expanding towards the edge of the world and looking like it never ended. The talons on his forepaws scraped against the edge of the cliff, pieces of the ice crumbling off to fall into the ocean to disappear forever. He stood proudly at the edge, inky banner curled high over his hips, senses alert as he admired the view.

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