
It's all new to me



The Hallows
Expert Physician

Master Healer (240)

Expert Navigator (140)

An icon representing the specialty Anatomist Anatomist

6 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 5 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 11KPride - Bisexual
11-29-2021, 01:28 AM

The Bent Canyon was a dangerous place to be in alone on a good day. The ledges of the rocky cliffs were crumbly and unstable at best, there were frequent landslides, and if you were here alone, a sprain or broken leg could mean the end of your life. In the shrouding darkness of the Long Night, that danger was amplified tenfold. Yet here she was, the fiery-coated vixen of a wolf wandering through the canyon alone in the darkness of the night, with only the silvery moon and the aurora belts overhead to illuminate the world for her. Syanna had since recovered from her mushroom infection, but there were still so many in the Hallows suffering from the unknown affliction. She and Gwynevere had run through all the medicines and treatments they could think of to save their pack mates, and though fortunately there had been no casualties yet, Syanna wanted to make sure it stayed that way.

One of the biggest complaints of the afflicted was their inability to get comfortable or sleep. The canyon itself played host to lavender, which was Syanna's goal for the day. With it, she could defuse an oil to hopefully help her sick friends find comfort and rest. But it was proving hard to find, given there hadn't been much sunlight for the plants to flourish in. Scowling to herself, Syanna wandered further through the canyon, being careful to watch her step on the craggy, arid ground. She refused to have survived a mystery disease only to get taken out by a twisted ankle. She looked around the high canyon walls rising up around her out of the dark. This would not be a forgiving place to get crippled in.

The sound of claws clicking on hard stone just up ahead caught her attention and raised her guard. Someone else was here with her... Moving slowly to remain quiet, Syanna strained her ears and eyes to try and pick up where the noise was coming from. Thanks to the canyon walls creating an echo, it almost seemed to be coming from all around her. But as Syanna rounded a bend, she spotted a strange creature emerging from one of the caves. It looked canid in shape, but had these oddly long legs, rounded ears, and a bright splotchy coat. It definitely wasn't a wolf of any kind, that much she could tell. But was it friendly? Only one way to find out. Stepping over some rocks jutting up from the ground, Syanna sauntered closer, still on the lookout for her lavender all the while. "Good day," she called to the creature. "Er... or is it good night?" It was impossible to tell the real time of day anymore.


As her mate, Ezra may enter her threads not marked as Private.