
wake me up


08-14-2013, 11:37 PM

ooc;; sorry for a bit of pping, tell me if you want to change it!!

She didn't know how long she stood, tail flicking thoughtfully at her heels as she pondered the last few months she had spent traveling. But it seemed like all of a sudden she was snapped from her thoughts, a flurry of barks and yips drawing large golden eyes towards the source of the excitement. Had someone found something exciting? One paw instinctively reached over the other to hop down and go investigate when it dawned on her what exactly was happening. Or at least she half realized... A male was rushing at her at an awkward pace, tail wagging and a huge grin upon his face. She squinted and then all of a sudden it fully hit her who it was. Talon? He was bigger now, but still not huge, her height at least but at least he didn't look as thin anymore. Her grin was growing by the millisecond as he approached and she found herself frozen in place for what felt like forever. At first she felt immobilized but then it seemed that she could no longer contain her excitement. Whole body began to vibrate and shake, the tremble starting at her toes until her whole bod was wiggling with excitement. It was him howling out her name and chasing away the doubts that he might perhaps be a figment of her imagination that finally allowed her to move.

The lithe girl launched herself off the structure, seeming to run in a U shape as her hind legs and body continued to wiggle and not quite work properly. Huge ears were forward and attentive as she rushed at him. "OH MY GOD TALON!!! HOW HAVE YOU BEEN? WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN? I WENT LOOKING FOR YOU, I MISSED YOU SO MUCH!!!" In her excitement she struggled to keep the tone of her voice and cadence normal. Instead she found herself almost shouting and all her words seeming like they strung together. But why did she care, yeah she looked for him, yeah she had missed him but he was here now! Somehow they had found each other again after what felt like forever and he was here! She came to a skidding halt in front of him, still practically vibrating with excitement. She pressed her head between his front legs against his chest before lifting it up and coving first his neck ad then face in exuberant licks. "I missed you soooooo much!!!" she finally said in a more controlled manner, grinning like an idiot and still pressing herself against him and licking him whenever and where ever she could.
