
Deer Me, I hope my luck improves



Novice Hunter (15)

Advanced Fighter (80)

5 Years

LoserScarredUnderachieverThe Ooze Participant
11-29-2021, 06:23 PM (This post was last modified: 12-01-2021, 10:56 PM by Laith. Edited 1 time in total.)
He had moved on from the hot springs, heading further south in search of something to eat. The ache of hunger was present, but it seemed as if all of the animals around were infected with this weird ooze sickness and he had yet to attempt to eat one of them. He didn't want to risk falling ill himself. The willows had long tendrils that waved in the air, and Laith weaved his way through where the hung low to the ground.
The scent of another wolf caught his attention, and after sniffing the air he picked up the tantalising smell of deer as well. He could feel his mouth began to water at the thought of getting a meal, but this wolf was going to throw a wrench in his plans. Lath began creeping closer to the scents, doing his best to stay downwind, and when he finally caught sight of the other wolf he paused. Damn, why were so many of these wolves fucking huge? If he wanted a meal to himself he couldn't chase this wolf off all by himself. Fuck, he might have to actually work with them.
"Psst!" He hissed at the other wolf once he got a little closer, hoping to not alert the deer. "I'll help you take it down if you let me eat half of it," he whispered in a hushed tone. There was a time and a place to be his usual dick-ish self, and in this case he had to let it slide and be somewhat amiable in order to get a meal.
Laith is an M rated character, thread with him at your own risk!