



5 Years
Extra large
08-14-2013, 11:53 PM

Rabbit. It was often times the most difficult thing to catch. Those little buggers were quick on their paws, jumping and dodging obstacles like if they weren't there. Not only did they have their quickness on their side, but their little burrows aided them well in hiding from predators, but even then that wasn't enough to deter a determined wolf, or at least one who time to spare on his paws. Like Taurig. He usually wouldn't go out hunting for rabbits, but with an insane amount of time to himself, the young Blood needed something to entertain himself with and hunting rabbits fitted the bill for today. And what a chase it had been. The little bugger had nearly gotten away from him, but a particular unseen hole tripped the creature up, allowing the grey-blue brute to come in for the kill. Breakfast was served.

Usually he would eat right after killing his prey, but being in an unfamiliar land made him uneasy, so spilling blood that could possibly attract unwanted attention didn't seem like a very smart choice. So the young man chose to gather up his meal, preferring to dine in the comfort of Glaciem's borders. But he would dine this morning. As Taurig made the trek back home, his senses alerted him to the presence of another wolf nearby. Inky limbs pulled the knight to a halt, icy gems dancing across the snow covered landscape, searching for the owner of the scent he'd picked up. There. A tri-colored figure not too far up ahead. Another whiff told him the figure belonged to a female, and a young one at that. She was much smaller than him -nearly everyone was- and looked to hunting for something. Food perhaps? She didn't smell of a pack, so a rogue was the only title he could give her. Unable to deny helping a female, the young man pressed onwards, moving towards her, his massive paws sloshing in the snow as he approached her, a muffled bark erupting from his inky jaws as he called out to her.

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