
Time to Freshen Up




7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterIce Bridge ExplorerMammoth HunterBeevent
1KCritical Hit!
11-29-2021, 08:38 PM
Ulric grinned back and gave a little snort of laughter at her questioning over whether this was because she smelled, giving a shake of his head at her teasing. She slipped into the water then, immediately settling into his embrace and tucking into him with her head under his chin. He smiled and wrapped her up in his forelegs, holding her against him and nuzzling the top of her head. "Of course, my love. I never will," he said softly, squeezing her in his embrace while he just enjoyed the fact that he could hold her again for a moment. This whole ordeal had only made him more appreciative of her place in his life and strengthened the love and devotion he had for her. It was a glimpse into what life would have been like if he had lost her and it was a life he didn't want to live. He began leaving a trail of gentle kisses across her ears and the top of her head, his paws moving down across her sides with a low chuckle. "I guess we better get to bathing you before I get too distracted," he commented, still holding her with one strong forelimb while reaching over to the side of the tub to grab the bar of soap.

He refused to release her from his embrace, holding her against his chest while he began working the bar of soap through the silver, brindled fur along her back and sides, moving up along her shoulders as well. He kept giving her dark ears tender kisses while he worked, a permanent smile lingering on his lips while he gazed down at her. Even after everything her body had been through, even with the fact that she had lost so much weight and how much recovery she had ahead of her, she was still the most stunning woman he had ever laid eyes on. He knew he didn't need to say it, he knew that she knew how happy he was that she was okay since he had probably said it a hundred times since she was finally well enough to leave the dungeon, but it was all he wanted to say. He just wanted to say how relieved he was and how happy he was over and over. Instead he dipped his head a bit more while he was massaging the soap into the thicker fur along her scruff to catch her lips in a quick kiss, saying, "I love you so much." It went without saying and he knew that she knew it was a fact, but he still wanted her to hear it none of the less.

With her back and sides throughly sudsed up he gently turned her around so that her back was up against his chest and stomach, a little smirk on his lips as he wrapped his forelegs around her middle, nuzzling into the side of her neck. He started massaging the soap across her chest and stomach and at some point it became less about getting her clean and much more about just savoring her and making her feel loved. Once he was pretty sure he had gotten soap everywhere he could touch without letting himself venture too low, he dropped the fresh, lightly floral soap back on the edge of the bath and then started working his paws all over her body under the water, rinsing out her fur and making a cloud of suds slowly begin to form around them on the surface of the water while he rubbed across her chest, stomach and sides.

"Ulric & Eska"