
Step Lightly


08-15-2013, 12:11 AM

His paws thudded across the ground, in pursuit of a small rabbit that had dashed out in front of him. He gave chase, his muscles working painfully, but he was determined to bring back food for the injured white fae. He chased it in a small field of rocks, the small creature's heart thudded in its chest faster than a locomotive. As Hansel cornered it and neared, it tried to run past him but he was too quick. He lunged as it tried to wind under his legs, snapping its back in half. He picked it up and then made the short walk back towards the den.

With a mouthful of materials, mostly heather and some moss that he had found, he made his way back to the den. The cold air began to crystallize on his pelt, making it stick out in small miniature icicles. He stopped for a moment near the water where he and Yin had tried to dull the pain of their injuries. He stared at his reflection, and wondered. He certainly didn't look like the most handsome wolf...not now anyway what with all the damage he had sustained from the creature from before. He still didn't know what to call it, he knew that his sister Gretel would know though. Then, his mind wandered to her. He wondered how she was doing and where she was, whether she was alive and trying to survive the same as he or...He shook his head, not allowing the tears that were forming to fall. He couldn't think about that, not now. She would be okay...she had to be.

He tore himself from the water and back up the slope to the den. His paws beginning to freeze again with the snow and ice. He crouched down, crawling his way into the den and past Yin. He averted his gaze from her, embarrassed of what he had done earlier as he went to the back of the den to place the bedding. He arranged it comfortably for her, and he would sleep on the harder ground. Once he had pawed and pressed everything into place, he glanced up at her and smiled meekly. "Uh...I brought bedding for you...and food." He told her as he placed the meager catch on the bedding for her. He turned and settled down a foot or two from where Yin would sleep, not sure whether she wanted him farther...he figured she didn't want him closer but...that was just him. They had a kind of closeness already he thought, at least they had similarities. They were both twins, had never been without their other sibling, yet here they were surviving kind of scared him to be without Gretel...but at the same time it awed him that he could do this with someone else...and he was glad that it was Yin who was that someone else.

Speech, Thought, Actions, You