
7 in the afternoon




7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze Participant
11-30-2021, 08:33 AM
Oh, gross. Now she remembered why she avoided this place as a whole and stuck to the lands of her family - and then the Orchard, which she very much considered a part of that. The swampland was... well... swampy. And kinda gross. The sucking sounds as her paws hit soggy ground and lifted them back up was not a pleasant sound, and she grimaced every single time it happened. Which, considering she was freaking huge at 44" at the shoulder, was more often than not. Even her lithe, nimble build didn't remove the way the natural world worked and with her size, she was just screwed. Eugh. She was still in joyful spirits, though. A miracle had happened the night prior, and even though it was hard to see through the fog that hung over the swamplands, it was still visible clearly. The fireflies descended en masse on crystals and mushrooms, feeding on them and removing them from the landscape. It was quite bizarre to witness, but the true glory was a few hours later when the rays of sunlight warmed her fur again. It was wonderful. Why she decided to immediately go romping in a foggy, muddy, swampland was beyond her. She was not always the brightest.

It. Was. Daylight. Under her very eyes, the blue creepy fireflies turned yellow, one at a time, blinking blue and then suddenly blinking yellow. Then it seemed like the fogs and the ghosts of wolves past had been sucked up, the fireflies descended en masse on crystals and mushrooms, feeding on them and removing them from the landscape. It was quite bizarre to witness, but the true glory was a few hours later when the rays of sunlight warmed her fur again. It was wonderful. Why she decided to immediately go romping in a foggy, muddy, swampland was beyond her. She was not always the brightest.

With a huff, she picked her way through the water and ickiness until miraculously, her paws hit dry land. Well, mostly dry. Dryer than the rest. She'd take it. However, something - someone - else was already there, and she narrowed her eyes briefly at the other wolf. "Well then. It seems I'm not the only one who decided to brave these irritatingly wet lands," she commented with a smirk, stretching luxuriously on the dry ground, claws unsheathing and flexing into the wet soil. After that quite wonderful stretch, she stood back up, cocking her head at the little black wolf on the dryer patch of land.

"Speech" "You"

art by gunhorse