
Memento Mori


Memento Mori


Expert Intellectual (215)

Advanced Fighter (70)

6 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Statue 5 WorshipTreat 2019
11-30-2021, 02:01 PM
Out-of-Character Name: Beau-tifullyWritten
Age: 29

Character's Name: Memento Mori
Character Age: 3 Years
Year of Birth Year 13
Season of Birth: Winter
Adult Height: 42"
Size: Extra-Large
Build: Light
Appearance Description:

Meme will come to stand at 42” of height -- not quite as tall as either of her dire parents but still an impressive size. She will bear a lighter, more feminine build, with a focus on speed rather than power. Stranger still is the odd mane that will cascade off to one side of her head {right side}. The mane will have the rich brown base but seem to bleed into orange and then yellow at the very ends. All in all a tall, pretty figure -- a product of good lineages.

A youth cloaked in white whom, at birth, may seem to hold only pale features. As Memento Mori ages, however, one will see that this is not the case. Her neck ruff, as well as her upper back will darken with more a rich brown, sable-like marking. Socks, following a gradient, will be lighter, almost white closer to her body and darken to a rich brown at her paws. To note this is not a fine gradient either, for her legs are stylized with her mother and end in that more splotchy ends. The same sort of gradient pattern can be seen on her tail, splotching off near the base, with it being lighter at the start and darkening towards the tip.

Like her grandfather, however, Memento bears further odd coloration on her coat. The first to note is a splotchy mask, while more similar in base shape to her grandmother’s own, is more splotchy and like freckling under her eyes and the bridge of her muzzle. The coloration, however, is where the oddity of the marking comes in. Orange dominants most of the region with bits of yellow tossed in as well to give just a bit more complexity to the mark. Likewise orange, edged with yellow, cap her ears, tail tip, and paws. The yellow ends up faded, more like a dusting on her toes though! Her eyes will be a very pale light blue and seem almost whitish at a glance -- yet another throwback to her grandfather Ganta.
Memento Mori also has a scar across her back from a maim fight.

Skills: Intellectual / Fighter

Proof of Purchases:
x6" of additional height -click-
Unless ICly stated otherwise assume Memento Mori's companions, Jacques and Rein, are not with her.