
Green Is My Color




Advanced Healer (70)

Advanced Fighter (70)

4 Years

Ooh La LaThe Ooze ParticipantIt's a Miracle
12-01-2021, 11:20 PM
The call of a herbivore drew her attention away fully from the surrounding greenery, but alas it seemed to be a companion of sorts with the stranger. A shame, she could've done with a meal right about now. But as the area was teeming with all sorts of wildlife, she surmised she wouldn't have too much trouble finding something tasty to eat. The creature seemed friendly towards her, and she had to wonder if it had ever been in a position of escaping a predator not concerned whether it was in league with a wolf, to act so welcoming towards her.
Her gaze shifted to the woman who had begun to speak, and she nodded her head in response. "Just looking for a quiet place to rest among these plants, been travelling for a while now." This was as nice of a place as any, and she was sure she could find a comfortable and hidden area to hide away in for the night.
Inoki was finally close enough to observe as the older woman sliced off a leaf with her paw, deftly rolling it into a tube shape, and she sniffed the air curiously to try and figure out what it was. Her teal blue gaze met the intense yellow eyes of the woman, and if she focused hard enough she could spot the green flecks in her irises. It was a little bit mesmerising, and she found herself staring for a few moments before she collected herself.
"I know a few things about healing," she said, ears twisting forward to show her interest in the woman's words. "But my interests lay more towards the plants that can poison and hurt instead of heal." It was one of her goals to brew up a deadly concoction that could snuff out a life without too much fuss and pain, and whether that was to help a wolf who was slowly dying, or to secretly assassinate an alpha, that was for her to know and others to not find out.
She sniffed the air again at the wiggled offering of the leaf, as if trying to taste it on the air itself. Hemlock. The words the other woman spoke were cryptic at best, but she could only assume it meant the leaf could be used for just more than helping someone. "What does that one do if you ingest it?"