
Be careful making wishes in the dark



Advanced Healer (70)

Advanced Fighter (70)

4 Years

Ooh La LaThe Ooze ParticipantIt's a Miracle
12-01-2021, 11:51 PM
The girl seemed embarrassed, and Inoki could not place why. She had simply asked a question, and a negative response was no reason to feel such a way, but perhaps she was young enough to not have learned that lesson yet. And so she let it go without comment, deciding to focus on the more interesting question she had posed. It was an intriguing thought, yet she was not sure if it was made of stone. It had none of the earthy taste she identified with rocks, yet it did have a mineral-type flavour. Maybe this girl was onto something.
"Perhaps, but I've never seen stone in such a formation before." She quirked an eyebrow at the girl, a silent question asking if she had possibly seen such a stone in her life. It was a long shot, but maybe she would be surprised by the answer. Her lips thinned as the girl continued to speak, eyes squinting down at the strange object. Her words made sense, but Inoki wanted to believe there was a greater purpose for the thing she had found, even if that purpose did not lay in her own paws. The thought crossed her mind to take the object somewhere, to someone who may have use of it, but she knew that it was far too heavy for her to carry it for more than a short period of time. She felt a tinge of sadness at the realisation it would have to be left behind when she moved on.
"You could be right." She'd leave it somewhere obvious for someone else to find, and just maybe they would have a use for it, so that it did not go to waste, laying there in the dirt.
Her gaze lifted up to look at the girl, meeting her yellow gaze with a half-formed smile. "The name's Inoki." She left the air open and silent for the girl to reply, sure enough that her next words would be her own name in turn that she felt no need to directly ask for it.